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Anti-aging Laser Facial

Wrinkled face before and after
Palomar pic before after skin resurfacing
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Anti-aging Laser Facial

NEW Revlite® Nd-Yag Laser & Palomar™ Fractional Laser For Anti - Aging Facial  &  Acne, Surgical and Stretch Marks Reduction.

Younger looking skin with NO RISK. NO NEEDLES.  NO DOWNTIME.

What is it?

Laser skin rejuvenation is a safe, non-invasive treatment with no needles and no downtime to help you look ten years younger.  We can’t help you getting older as we are all getting older day by day.  But we can assist your body’s natural processes to make you look 10 years younger and retain that youthful look.

Long Lasting Effects – Both lasers give long-lasting effects, and with regular 3 month top-ups, we should be able to keep your skin looking 10 years younger.  And remember we have a sliding scale for payments, pay as you go, so the price that you had your last treatment for is the price that you will pay when you return for a top-up.  You do not start again at the top of the price list.

The good news is that it can be done in your lunch time, there is a likelihood of slight redness which just looks like you have been to the gym, and this fades within a few hours.

How does it work?

Both lasers work on the same principle, they are not like the more severe laser skin rejuvenation treatment of resurfacing the skin, which involves considerable downtime. Both lasers that we use for the skin rejuvenation use light energy, a gentle laser, to pass light harmlessly through the skin allowing the laser heat to stimulate collagen growth without affecting the surrounding area.  In effect, it is kick-starting your body to stimulate the production of collagen, which naturally declines when we are 25 years old.  This process helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

The Palomar™ laser wavelength (1540 nm) goes a little deeper than the Revlite® laser, to the hypodermis (the third level of your skin, also known as the subcutaneous layer), which is normally recommended for deeper wrinkles.

Collagen production will naturally be stimulated throughout your treatment process and also in the months following your treatment course as it is a cumulative process.

Both laser facials also reduce pore size and oiliness of skin, and can help to even out skin tone. 

Pigmentation irregularities including brown spots/sun spots, freckles and rosacea and birthmarks can also be reduced, as well as having a marked effect on acne scarring and even facial hair.

What will I feel during the treatment?

Firstly, you have to wear protective goggles, it is important that these are not removed during the treatment.

You will experience a warm, tingling feeling from the laser as it passes over the area being treated.  This should not be uncomfortable. Once the laser has past the area being treated your skin will feel warm, this may last for a few hours and Aloe Vera is recommended.

Your skin will appear red, as if you have been in the sun or been to the gym, but it is a healthy glow and it soon dies down.

What should I expect after a treatment?

The laser facial works cumulatively and hence takes time for your body to produce collagen. Treatments are spaced 3 - 4 weeks apart in order to give your body enough time to produce collagen with visible affect.

Hence after the treatment there is rarely any visible effect on the skin, aside from the mild to moderate redness.

For full effects between 6 and 8 treatments are recommended.

Subsequent top-up treatments are recommended every 3 months after completing the initial course.  And remember you are not committed to any number of treatments, we offer a pay as you go policy and when you are satisfied you can stop the treatments.  If you change your mind in the future and require more treatments or a top up, your price will remain at the sliding scale price when you left.